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Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart

Yonit Oved

Yonit Oved

ת. כניסה לקטלוג: 10-09-2021

ת. עדכון אחרון: 06-03-2015

להשיג בחנויות הבאות:

ז'אנר: Romance

It was another one of those nights. Thoughts raced through my head andI just couldn’t fall asleep. I tried counting sheep but the thoughts keptinterfering. It seemed the night would never end. Only when my clocksounded the alarm and woke me, I realized - it had ended …As I had done every day for the last year, I got up, took a shower, gotdressed and went downstairs to start my day as Ms Baum's privatenurse. I prepared her breakfast, gave her her medication and changed herbed sheets – these tasks made up my daily routine. I’m not a qualifiednurse but managed to get the job – which also included the householdmaintenance – thanks to years of experience as a hospital volunteer. Idespised it. Every morning I woke up promising myself that today Iwould quit. For some reason, I never did. I actually had no reason to hatemy job. In fact, everything appeared to be perfect: I was very well paid,the house was magnificent, and from the window of my room I could seethe vast blue sea. I wouldn’t have had that had I stayed in my home town.But, Ms Baum was… how can I put it? She was an ongoing nightmare toherself and the entire universe. She was so bitter, sarcastic and scornfulthat despite her illness, I couldn’t find it in my heart to pity her. Andwhilst I knew that witches only existed in fairytales, a few months withMs Baum made me think otherwise.